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The Surgical Artist's Blog

A Tummy Tuck Can Make You Feel More Confident

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Dec 12, 2013 12:06:00 PM

A tummy tuck , also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure many women desire to get rid of excess fat and saggy skin from the abdomen.  The results are tighter skin, flat tummy area and a narrower waistline.  Even though surgeons have performed tummy tucks for more than a century, the procedure gained popularity around the beginning of the 21st century and has now emerged as one of most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US and the world. Recent statistics over the past decade provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons suggest that more than 100,000 tummy tuck surgeries are performed each year in the US.

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Beauty Bias in the Workplace

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 25, 2013 9:55:00 AM

When most people think of landing their dream job, they think of ‘dressing to impress,’ keeping current on their job skills, polishing their resumes, and networking, networking, networking. But recent research shows that hiring managers may be making decisions based on physical appearance as the primary factor.

In a Newsweek study from July 2010, more than half of the surveyed hiring managers reported that the candidates they perceive as less attractive are likely to have a harder time landing a job, and recommended candidates place as much importance on their looks as on their resume.

The study concluded, “Beauty has more influence than ever—not just over who we work with, but whether we work at all.”

As if job hunting wasn’t stressful enough already!

This so-called ‘beauty-bias’ has some job-seekers turning to cosmetic surgery to give them a competitive edge in today’s crowded job marketplace.

This phenomenon is not limited to women—professional men are also pursuing procedures like Botox, fillers, and blepharoplasty (eye surgery) to look younger, friendlier and more approachable.

While we’re not necessarily convinced that physical appearance trumps qualifications, education, and a winning personality in securing your dream job (maybe we’re just idealistic!), we do know that one of the most important attributes you can carry to the workplace—and everywhere else—is confidence.

If you want to improve your physical appearance and are concerned about putting your best foot forward in your job hunt, ongoing career, or just day to day living, we can help. Our highly-qualified, board-certified cosmetic surgeons will be happy to discuss your concerns with you and see if we can offer any solutions. Call 423-266-3331 for your free consultation.

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Our New Building: More to Love in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 20, 2013 9:25:00 AM

Southern Surgical Arts is extremely excited to share the progress of our new 27,000 square foot building located in Chattanooga's Southside. The new building is slated for completion in May of 2014 -- only 6 months away! The building will include two surgical suites to allow Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal to better serve patients desiring cosmetic surgery.

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Body after Baby: Mommy Makeovers in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 11, 2013 5:28:00 PM

There are few things more beautiful than a pregnant woman. Moms-to-be enjoy glowing skin, thicker hair and fuller, more voluptuous figures—as well as the unique thrill that comes from feeling a new life ‘under construction.’

But once all their bundles of joy have arrived, many women find themselves longing for their pre-baby bodies.

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5 Ways You Can Prepare For Your Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 4, 2013 1:14:00 PM
Memorial Hospital published a list of 5 ways you can prepare for surgery in their Fall 2013 magazine, Inspire. We modified the list to be specific to your cosmetic surgery procedure. Here is the list for you to review to prepare for your surgery.

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Six Popular Non-Surgical Treatments That Provide Results

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 30, 2013 1:23:00 PM


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6 Ways to Ruin Your Cosmetic Surgery Result

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 21, 2013 2:02:00 PM

Cosmetic surgery can help restore you to a more youthful you, make the signs of aging less noticeable or enhance a feature of your body. At Southern Surgical Arts, Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal are experts in the the art of cosmetic surgery. They employ the latest technologies to get the results that you desire. While our surgeons and staff put in a lot of effort to ensure that the results exceed your expectations, there are some ways that can you can end up ruining the results of cosmetic surgery. You can avoid making these mistakes and ensure you get the results you desire by educating yourself. While the following is not an all inclusive list, these are the top ways we see patients experience less than desirable results.

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6 tips for Making the Most of Aging

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 17, 2013 12:41:00 PM

Aging is inevitable. There is no proverbial fountain of youth that can stop the aging process, but this does not mean that you can't fight wrinkles, lines and sagging skin that goes along with the aging process. There are ways to age gracefully without constantly worrying about the lines and wrinkles on your face and neck.

Here are 6 tips for making the most of aging that also will help you reduce the visible effects of aging.

1. Keep Your Mind Busy: Revel at the wisdom you have accumulated over the years rather than dwelling on how old you have become. Focus on other things to keep your mind busy and enhance your mental abilities. You can opt to learn a new language for example. If you enjoy solving crossword puzzles, take time out on a daily basis to work on crossword puzzles. These activities will keep your mind alert and make you feel good about achieving and accomplishing something new every day.
2. Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep is very important, not just for resting your body and mind, but also for repairing your body. It is during sleep that your body repairs all the damage it sustains during waking hours. Try to get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, so that you feel refreshed and rested to tackle the day ahead. Inadequate sleep can worsen certain health issues, such as heart problems and depression. Also lack of adequate sleep can make you irritable.

3. Spend Time with Friends: There is nothing like spending meaningful time with friends and enjoying memorable moments in their company. Aging is not about giving up your social life. Instead, you should make a conscious effort to be in the company of friends to unwind and relax yourself. You can also join local senior community groups to widen your network of friends. Try to spend time with those people who make you feel happy and cheerful.

4. Makeup: As your skin begins to age, there are some things you should avoid using. These include foundation and powdery makeup. You can still look glamorous and beautiful with minimal makeup. Stick to using makeup like eyeliner, lip gloss and mascara. This will make you look elegant and fulfill your desire to don makeup without appearing to garish or ‘made up’.

5. Hydration: Aging skin can feel dry and itchy. You can alleviate this feeling by keeping your body well hydrated. This also will help have soft and supple skin. Also , look to consume about 8 glasses of water every day. And, cut down on your caffeine and alcohol consumption, as caffeinated and alcoholic drinks are dehydrating.

6. Eating Healthy: An important aspect of aging is keeping your body as healthy as possible. You should be looking to consume a balanced diet comprising of fresh fruits, lots of veggies and healthy fats. Give up eating red meat and focus more on fish that has more heart-friendly vitamins.  Fish also is replete with essential fatty acids that help in regulating blood pressure, promoting the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system and are important ingredients in repairing cells.

Bonus Tips
Crow’s feet are one of the consequences of constant squinting of the eyes when going out in the sun. Make sure you wear sunglasses and use sunscreen when stepping out. Sun exposure is one of the contributors to premature aging.

As much as possible, avoid frowning. As strange as it may sound, frowning is one of the fastest ways to get permanent lines on your forehead, besides making you look unattractive. If you notice yourself frowning, immediately stop. Gradually, you will overcome this habit.

If you still have doubts or queries about aging gracefully, you can consult our highly experienced and professional aestheticians or board-certified cosmetic surgeons. They would be happy to guide you on how to handle different skin issues that crop up as the skin ages and also suggest a skin care regimen to reduce visible signs of aging. Southern Surgical Arts focuses 100% on cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine,and we use the latest technology to minimize downtime and scarring.

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Guidelines to Get a Fabulous Face Lift in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 3, 2013 11:21:00 AM
Choosing to undergo a facelift is a big decision.  It should be made when you feel it is time to refresh and rejuvenate your facial appearance.  With so many Hollywood stars and celebrities being walking examples of bad or poor facelifts, it is important that you choose your facial plastic or cosmetic surgeon with care so he/she can recommend options that give you a youthful and natural look.
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Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal to Speak at Liposuction Conference in New York

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 1, 2013 2:30:00 PM

Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal have both been selected to teach at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery's 2013 World Congress on Advanced Liposculpture and Body Contouring in New York this month. Dr. Nease will teach other surgeons about the laser facelifting technique he pioneered, as well as Southern Surgical Arts' brachioplasty techniques. Dr. Deal will teach physicians about the breakthrough technology to treat lumps and bumps using Cellusmooth.

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