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The Surgical Artist's Blog

Six Popular Non-Surgical Treatments That Provide Results

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 30, 2013 1:23:00 PM


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6 tips for Making the Most of Aging

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 17, 2013 12:41:00 PM

Aging is inevitable. There is no proverbial fountain of youth that can stop the aging process, but this does not mean that you can't fight wrinkles, lines and sagging skin that goes along with the aging process. There are ways to age gracefully without constantly worrying about the lines and wrinkles on your face and neck.

Here are 6 tips for making the most of aging that also will help you reduce the visible effects of aging.

1. Keep Your Mind Busy: Revel at the wisdom you have accumulated over the years rather than dwelling on how old you have become. Focus on other things to keep your mind busy and enhance your mental abilities. You can opt to learn a new language for example. If you enjoy solving crossword puzzles, take time out on a daily basis to work on crossword puzzles. These activities will keep your mind alert and make you feel good about achieving and accomplishing something new every day.
2. Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep is very important, not just for resting your body and mind, but also for repairing your body. It is during sleep that your body repairs all the damage it sustains during waking hours. Try to get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, so that you feel refreshed and rested to tackle the day ahead. Inadequate sleep can worsen certain health issues, such as heart problems and depression. Also lack of adequate sleep can make you irritable.

3. Spend Time with Friends: There is nothing like spending meaningful time with friends and enjoying memorable moments in their company. Aging is not about giving up your social life. Instead, you should make a conscious effort to be in the company of friends to unwind and relax yourself. You can also join local senior community groups to widen your network of friends. Try to spend time with those people who make you feel happy and cheerful.

4. Makeup: As your skin begins to age, there are some things you should avoid using. These include foundation and powdery makeup. You can still look glamorous and beautiful with minimal makeup. Stick to using makeup like eyeliner, lip gloss and mascara. This will make you look elegant and fulfill your desire to don makeup without appearing to garish or ‘made up’.

5. Hydration: Aging skin can feel dry and itchy. You can alleviate this feeling by keeping your body well hydrated. This also will help have soft and supple skin. Also , look to consume about 8 glasses of water every day. And, cut down on your caffeine and alcohol consumption, as caffeinated and alcoholic drinks are dehydrating.

6. Eating Healthy: An important aspect of aging is keeping your body as healthy as possible. You should be looking to consume a balanced diet comprising of fresh fruits, lots of veggies and healthy fats. Give up eating red meat and focus more on fish that has more heart-friendly vitamins.  Fish also is replete with essential fatty acids that help in regulating blood pressure, promoting the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system and are important ingredients in repairing cells.

Bonus Tips
Crow’s feet are one of the consequences of constant squinting of the eyes when going out in the sun. Make sure you wear sunglasses and use sunscreen when stepping out. Sun exposure is one of the contributors to premature aging.

As much as possible, avoid frowning. As strange as it may sound, frowning is one of the fastest ways to get permanent lines on your forehead, besides making you look unattractive. If you notice yourself frowning, immediately stop. Gradually, you will overcome this habit.

If you still have doubts or queries about aging gracefully, you can consult our highly experienced and professional aestheticians or board-certified cosmetic surgeons. They would be happy to guide you on how to handle different skin issues that crop up as the skin ages and also suggest a skin care regimen to reduce visible signs of aging. Southern Surgical Arts focuses 100% on cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine,and we use the latest technology to minimize downtime and scarring.

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Understanding Dermal Fillers

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Aug 29, 2013 3:31:00 PM
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A Three-Part Approach to Protect Your Skin

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Aug 22, 2013 10:27:00 AM
New You Magazine recently published an article that featured a three-part approach to protect skin from the harmful UV rays. Protecting the skin from the sun does not end just with application of sunscreen which is just one of the recommended three steps. Southern Surgical Arts' aesthestican, Tammy Capel identified a plan, based on the New You Magazine Article, that will help ensure that your skin care needs are addressed where you live -- in Chattanooga, North Georgia and North Alabama!
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4 Ways to Get Beautiful Skin this Summer

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 30, 2013 7:55:00 PM
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Southern Surgical Arts Announces New Savings on Botox Treatments

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 30, 2013 3:08:00 PM
Previously sold for $14 per unit, Southern Surgical Arts is offering patients Botox treatments for only $10.99 per unit. Not only does this offer a significant savings on your treatment, you also have confidence that you are receiving authentic Botox.

Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal take pride in the fact that they offer their patients only 100 percent authentic, U.S.-made Botox products. Each of their injections is purchased from Allergan, which is a US based specialty pharmaceutical and medical device company. It is important that you verify that this is the origin of the substance if you are getting Botox treatments.

“If you allow a doctor to utilize unauthentic Botox treatments, you are putting yourself at serious risk,” said Carey Nease, MD, a triple-board certified cosmetic and facial plastic surgeon at Southern Surgical Arts. “It is crucial you ask questions and know the risks that are involved with any procedure where something is being injected into your body, including Botox.”

While Botox is most well-known for the cosmetic benefits, it is also used for a myriad of other purposes. For example, the treatment can help to alleviate twitching eyelids, neck pain, muscle stiffness, excessive sweating of the underarms and lazy eye. It is an effective treatment method, however understanding all of the risks as well as the exact product being used is crucial prior to moving ahead with the treatment.

When you visit Southern Surgical Arts you can have peace of mind that only Allergan Botox units are used, providing you peace of mind that the Botox injections you are receiving are authentic. Call today and take advantage of the special price.
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Light therapy and it's many benefits

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 26, 2013 1:54:00 PM
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July Facial Specials at Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 17, 2013 12:23:00 PM

For a limited time patients can experience the rejuvenating effects that the procedures at Southern Surgical Arts can provide, at a price that will make you smile.

It’s time to put your best face forward at Southern Surgical Arts – and just in time for summer. During the month of July, Southern Surgical Arts is offering a one-time facial makeover that includes wrinkle reduction, volumizing, and skin brightening – at a special price you can’t resist.

The procedures are simple, noninvasive and can be done in the office in less than 45 minutes. Each of them alone helps you look younger, but the combination of all three will have your face looking its natural best, even in direct light.

The offer includes Botox at the lowest price Southern Surgical Arts has ever offered at $10.99/unit. Botox is the industry leader in eliminating fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead, crow’s feet and “eleven” lines between the eyes. You can purchase a syringe of Radiesse, which corrects moderate to severe facial wrinkles by volumizing those areas and get Belotero for $200 OFF; Belotero is one of the newest fillers on the market and can help correct vertical lip lines.

Patients can also target sunspots on your face, arms, décolleté, hands and more with an IPL photofacial treatment. In the month of July, you will enjoy 25% off the regular price of the treatment so that you can obtain a more even-toned complexion.

Aging can take a toll on the skin, as well as other factors. The process of aging also can rob skin of its fullness, brightness, shine and vitality. Cosmetic procedures like the ones offered in July’s special offer at Southern Surgical Arts are safe, quick and can be done over your lunch hour.

Southern Surgical Arts features the expertise of Dr. Chad Deal, a double board- certified cosmetic surgeon, and Dr. Carey Nease, a triple board-certified cosmetic and facial plastic surgeon. Over the last six years, the two surgeons have performed nearly 10,000 cosmetic surgery procedures.

“This is the perfect time of year to care for, protect and revitalize the skin of your face,” says Tammy Capel, an aesthetician at Southern Surgical Arts, “With the procedures offered in our July specials, we are able to meet the needs of our patients who want a visible difference in the look and feel of their skin and overall appearance.”

For more information about the July facial makeover specials, our cosmetic surgery procedures or to make a free consultation, please call 423-266-3331. Visit http:// www.southernsurgicalarts.com for more information.

*Rabecca, shown in photo above, is a 37-year old mom and actual patient of Southern Surgical Arts

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Chattanooga Cosmetic Surgery Practice’s Unsurpassed Laser Technology

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 10, 2013 10:59:00 AM

Southern Surgical Arts offers a variety of services that help to keep your skin refreshed and rejuvenated. We have the most complete line of lasers and light therapies in the entire region. Our lasers have multiple modes that allow for precise targeted treatments, as well as full field and fractional treatments. This allows us to treat any skin type with any aesthetic concern while also allowing us to customize your recovery to your lifestyle.

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Sculptra, a Longer Lasting Wrinkle Treatment

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 5, 2013 11:50:00 AM

Image courtesy http://www.sculptraaesthetic.com/consumer/before-to-after-photos.aspx

Get a natural and gradual result with Sculptra®Aesthetic

Sculptra®Aesthetic (injectable poly-L-lactic acid), a cosmetic facial injectable that works gradually, resulting in a more youthful looking appearance that can last up to two years is available at Southern Surgical Arts.

SculptraAesthetic is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment indicated for the correction of shallow to deep nasolabial fold (smile lines) contour deficiencies and other facial wrinkles which are treated with the appropriate injection technique in healthy people.

"I am very excited to offer SculptraAesthetic to patients who want to achieve natural-looking results from a cosmetic injectable that is long-lasting, said Carey Nease, MD. “SculptraAesthetic works gradually to achieve results over time, so no one will notice you had work done.”

Wrinkles and folds associated with aging become apparent, primarily through the breakdown of collagen. SculptraAesthetic helps the body replace lost collagen to provide a more youthful looking appearance.

A treatment regimen of SculptraAesthetic, an average of three injection sessions over a few months, has been shown to help correct facial lines and wrinkles by replacing lost collagen over time to provide noticeable results that can last up to two years. SculptraAesthetic is made from poly-L-lactic acid, which has been safely used for the past 25 years in resorbable stitches.  It is biocompatible (a material that does not harm the body) and biodegradable (able to be broken down by the body). Injectable poly-L-lactic acid has also been widely used in Europe for more than a decade for cosmetic treatment.

In a pivotal trial with SculptraAesthetic, swelling and tenderness were the most common adverse events reported (81%).

Results from a recent study conducted for the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) and Sanofi US showed that both injectable users and women considering a medical anti-aging treatment prefer gradual results that last two years (75 percent) as opposed to immediate results that last one year (25 percent).

For more information, contact us or visit the web site.

About Southern Surgical Arts
The Board-Certified Surgeons of Southern Surgical Arts are 100% devoted exclusively to cosmetic surgery. Southern Surgical Arts is committed to delivering quality care, and utilizes state-of-the-art technology while adhering to the highest standards and safest practices in cosmetic surgical procedures. Southern Surgical Arts specialize in cosmetic procedures that produce minimal scaring and downtime. The talented team of Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal use a culmination of their over 10 years experience and expertise to deliver results in cosmetic and facial plastic surgery to meet your goals. For more information on minimally invasive cosmetic treatments or to make a consultation for cosmetic surgery, please visit www.southernsurgicalarts.com.
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