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The Surgical Artist's Blog

New Artistic Laser Face Lift Study

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 14, 2009 9:45:00 AM
At Southern Surgical Arts, I am currently conducting a study using two new lasers for facial rejuvenation, and I call this the "Artistic Laser Lift." The idea is to use two lasers in combination, one called the Affirm fractionated CO2 laser for skin resurfacing, and the other is the Smartlipo 1064 laser for skin tightening and fat removal from the neck and jowls. This is a one hour outpatient procedure, done with local anesthesia and light sedation, and I expect that the benefits will include skin tightening, a naturally lifted look, smooth skin with improved overall tone and texture, and the removal of surface sun damage and softening of wrinkles. The main point to make is that there are no scars at all, no stitches, and down time is expected to be 5-7 days at the most. I have been using the two lasers independently for about 6 months and have gotten very good results. But I believe that the combination could be even more remarkable!

For those interested, I am including both men and women, ages 40-55, non-smokers, generally good health and you cannot have had a face lift in the past. The first 25 who qualify will be included in the study. The cost of the procedure will be cut by 50% of the normal fee for study participants. Also, there are several other facial cosmetic surgeons from around the country who are participating in the study, so we hope to have about 100 total participants. I am traveling to San Diego next weekend to discuss the study with several surgeons from California. Give my office a call if you are interested and think you may qualify. Thanks and have a great day!
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An honor to be selected as Best Cosmetic Surgeon

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 9, 2009 9:45:00 AM
Two weeks ago, my wife and I attended an awards dinner hosted by the Chattanooga Times Free Press to honor area businesses who were chosen by more than 14,000 voters as being Best in their businesses. We had been told by our advertising rep. that out of 16 plastic surgeons in Chattanooga, I was a top 3 finalist. My reaction was mixed for several reasons because 1) it is always an honor to be chosen as best in your field 2) my new office in downtown Chattanooga has not started construction yet and 3) I am a Cosmetic Surgeon and not a Plastic Surgeon.

Next year, the Times Free Press will have two distinct categories for the Chattanooga voters to decide Best of the Best for both Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons because there really is a difference despite some overlap in some services we offer. It truly is an honor to have been selected as Best Cosmetic Surgeon, and we are looking forward to starting construction of our new office very soon. And, I look forward to continue serving the cosmetic surgery needs of the Chattanooga and North Georgia area for many years to come. Feel free to call me if you have any questions, and thanks for your recognition.
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Magnolia is now Southern Surgical Arts!

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 27, 2009 9:45:00 AM
Hey everyone! New at our office is a name and logo change to better reflect who we are and what we do... Cosmetic Surgical Artistry. We are now called "Southern Surgical Arts at Magnolia Cosmetic Surgery Center." It is a mouthful, but we love it. Check out the new site to go with the name change...lots of new photos, all are actual patients (no stock photography). Our plans in the near future also include a new office, state-of-the-art surgery center with 2 operating rooms and MedSpa services in downtown Chattanooga, coming fall 2010. For now keep coming to see us in Dalton or Calhoun.

We now have Dysport, which is the new Botox competitor. So far lots of happy patients. But Botox is still great, so don't feel pressure to change if you are happy with Botox! Call us if you want to try some Dysport or if we can help you achieve your cosmetic goals! You will love our nursing staff and aestheticians.

Have a great start to the fall season!
Dr Nease
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Cosmetic Surgery Update...Liquid Facelift, Breast Aug, Building

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Mar 10, 2009 9:42:00 AM
There is a new trend out there in the cosmetic surgery world called a liquid facelift. This is basically an in-office procedure that adds volume to your face and helps relax the muscles that cause the frown lines and crow's feet. We use Botox or Dysport to relax lines on the brow and near the eyes, and then use Restylane, Perlane and sometimes Sculptra for volume replacement of the lips and cheeks, which decreases as you age. The procedure can be done with local anesthesia only, requires no down time and the results are nearly instant. This does not replace a surgical face lift if that is what you need, but for the 30's and 40's crowd, this is a great option. And we often combine the liquid face lift with laser resurfacing (Affirm CO2) and also neck Smartlipo to tighten the neck line and reduce mild jowling.

Now is the time to get ready for summer and Bikini season! We are currently offering breast augmentation with saline implants for $3995 and silicone gel for only $4995. We often combine this with Smartlipo to get rid of those stubborn areas of fat that don't disappear with diet and exercise, like the outer thighs and love handles. This special price expires April 30th, so call soon for a complimentary consultation.

We are in the final planning stages for our new cosmetic surgery center in Chattanooga! We hope to break ground at our Southside downtown location this summer! The detailed plans will be available to check out in my Calhoun and Dalton offices soon. I'll keep you posted on the details and we look forward to serving the community of Chattanooga and East Tennessee.
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AACS annual meeting in Phoenix

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jan 12, 2009 9:46:00 AM
I'm off to the annual American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery meeting tomorrow in Phoenix, AZ. On Wednesday I will be presenting my research on external ultrasound and it's application to abdominal liposuction. I found that is it somewhat helpful overall to the outcome of the procedure but there are some minor problems with it that made me decide to switch to using the YAG laser (Smartlipo), which works great and I have not had any problems since I started using it, over 150 cases done so far, including about 40 facelifts (Smartlift). The meeting is always a good time to catch up on the latest research and newest technology that will improve what I can do for my patients. The goal is always better results with less down time and smaller scars, at least that's how I approach cosmetic surgery, and my patients seem to agree. I'll likely come back to Georgia with some new device, laser or instrument that will be a great addition to my practice. I'll post an update after the meeting, and maybe attach some photos of my family at the Grand Canyon!
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LVR and the G-Shot at Magnolia!

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 13, 2008 9:46:00 AM
I have some exciting news for you today!  Beginning tomorrow, November 14th, my good friend from North East GA, Lionel Meadows, MD, will be offering Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation (LVR) and the G-Shot at Magnolia Cosmetic Surgery Center.  Dr. Meadows was trained by the well-known Dr. Matlock in Beverly Hills, as seen on Dr. 90210.  Dr. Meadows is a board certified gynecologic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic gynecology and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery like Smartlipo.  These new procedures are in high demand and are the latest in cosmetic procedures specifically designed for our women patients.  The idea behind LVR is to rejuvenate the vaginal region, inside and out, and take you back to those pre-childbirth days.  The typical candidate for this procedure is a woman who has had children, though some who have not may also be candidates.  It takes only about 45 minutes, is done with local anesthesia and light sedation, is outpatient, and recovery is just a few days.  There is a link on my website to Dr. Meadows site where you can find lots of helpful information.

The G-Shot is a simple cosmetic procedure with the intent to enlarge the G-Spot and amplify the pleasurable sensations during sexual intercourse.  It takes about 5 minutes and there is really no recovery time and no pain.  Hard to argue against this one, and the guys won't be disappointed either.  The product injected is the same thing we use for filling lips and facial lines (Juvederm or Restylane), and it is slowly absorbed over 6-12 months.  So, unfortunately it has to be repeated.  But like the other facial fillers and Botox, it is quite easy and not too expensive, so I expect this to be popular very soon!

Give us a call for more information, or post a comment and I'll respond as soon as I can. I'm interested to know what you all think about our new services.  I am confident that you will love Dr. Meadows...he's very compassionate and a skilled surgeon, and his results speak for themselves.  So far has has over 95% satisfaction with LVR and the G-Shot.  Any questions?
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How Long Will My Recovery Last?

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 12, 2008 9:47:00 AM

Breast augmentation surgery, the most requested cosmetic procedure for women worldwide, has evolved so significantly over the years that most patients experience an incredibly quick recovery with very little pain.

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Welcome to Magnolia Cosmetic Surgery Center!

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 4, 2008 9:47:00 AM
I am going to use this Blog to fill you in on the latest news and advances in Cosmetic Surgery.  If you have any questions on an emerging technology or something you have seen on Oprah, feel free to ask me about it on this blog or email me.

I am going to my next American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery meeting in January of 2009.  I'll keep watch over the latest and greatest over the coming months, and I'll be sure to let you know what I think is the most promising progressions in Cosmetic Surgery.

Best to you -
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New at Magnolia...SmartLipo!

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Aug 4, 2008 9:48:00 AM

I have recently incorporated SmartLipo into my surgical practice at Magnolia Cosmetic Surgery Center, and it is fantastic! Smartlipo is a laser that makes liposculpture/body contouring procedures much better than what has been available in the past. I have done more than 20 cases in about 6 weeks and the results so far have been amazing.

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