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An honor to be selected as Best Cosmetic Surgeon

An honor to be selected as Best Cosmetic Surgeon

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 9, 2009 9:45:00 AM
Two weeks ago, my wife and I attended an awards dinner hosted by the Chattanooga Times Free Press to honor area businesses who were chosen by more than 14,000 voters as being Best in their businesses. We had been told by our advertising rep. that out of 16 plastic surgeons in Chattanooga, I was a top 3 finalist. My reaction was mixed for several reasons because 1) it is always an honor to be chosen as best in your field 2) my new office in downtown Chattanooga has not started construction yet and 3) I am a Cosmetic Surgeon and not a Plastic Surgeon.

Next year, the Times Free Press will have two distinct categories for the Chattanooga voters to decide Best of the Best for both Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons because there really is a difference despite some overlap in some services we offer. It truly is an honor to have been selected as Best Cosmetic Surgeon, and we are looking forward to starting construction of our new office very soon. And, I look forward to continue serving the cosmetic surgery needs of the Chattanooga and North Georgia area for many years to come. Feel free to call me if you have any questions, and thanks for your recognition.

Topics: in the news, board certified cosmetic surgeon

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