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Limited Time Breast Augmentation Discount at Chattanooga Cosmetic Surgery Center

Limited Time Breast Augmentation Discount at Chattanooga Cosmetic Surgery Center

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Feb 21, 2012 6:04:00 PM

Earlier this month, Southern Surgical Arts announced a limited time discount on our standard breast augmentation procedure. In less than an hour, women can obtain a more youthful look to their breasts with a firmer, fuller appearance through a minimal scar either under the breast crease or in the axilla (armpit).

Breast augmentations are ideal for women age 18 to 65 who are non-smokers and in generally good health. Those looking to aesthetically enhance the look of their breast for a fuller appearance can greatly benefit from Southern Surgical Arts' experienced surgeons. The outpatient procedure is done in a fully accredited surgical center by placing an implant of FDA approved saline or silicone gel behind the natural breast tissue and chest muscle.  Recovery is typically 3-5 days.

"At Southern Surgical Arts our team of fellowship-trained and board-certified cosmetic surgeons are here to walk you through every step of breast augmentation, from discovering more about your options to post-operation recovery," assures triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Carey Nease, MD. "Doctor Chad Deal and myself have performed thousands of implant surgeries and are confident that you'll be pleased with the results."

"We highly encourage our patients to browse through our before and after gallery so that patients can get a good idea of what results they can expect. We are very proud of our outcomes and it brings us great joy to see the smiles on our patients during their follow up visits," said Dr. Chad Deal.

Patients with PIP implants who need them exchanged also qualify for a $250 American Express gift card from Southern Surgical Arts implant provider, Mentor Corporation.

To learn more about these cosmetic surgeries, or to book a breast augmentation consultation and secure your $500 discount, call 423-266-3331 today.

Topics: medspa, breast augmentation, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience, breast

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