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The Surgical Artist's Blog

The New Injectable That May Replace Surgery

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 8, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Your face is the first place to show your age, particularly those changes around your eyes and cheeks. While it might feel like your face is “falling,” it’s not. You’re actually losing fat - just not in the places you would prefer. As your skin’s facial fat tissue, collagen and elastin production diminish, you lose volume, leaving it saggy and tired looking. Enter Allofill –  the cutting-edge, minimally invasive, non-surgical solution to restoring your youthful appearance by adding volume back to your face.

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Theresa's Story: The Transformation of a Lifetime

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 5, 2018 1:17:33 PM

Theresa Dekker spent 20 years wishing her body, her health and her life would get better. The former military veteran says she’d always been fit until 1996, when she was prescribed medication for endometriosis, and instantly gained weight. Pregnancy packed on more pounds and by the summer of 2016, tipping the scale at 241 lbs, Theresa decided she’d had enough. “I woke up and said, ‘That’s it. I’m done’,” she recalls. Immediately she made a plan to transform herself, no matter what it took. “Mentally I always knew it was going to be difficult, but I had to stay focused and not allow myself to quit,” she says. Theresa made eating lean and exercising her top priority. Eventually working up to daily jogs and visits to the gym, her hard work paid off when just three months later, she’d shed an incredible 5o lbs.

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Dr. Justin Gusching Gives Back in Guatemala

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on May 21, 2018 10:00:00 AM

In a remote Guatemalan town, thousands wait in the hot sun for dayssome in agonizing paindesperately seeking a doctor. “We often drive in and see a half mile line of people waiting,” says Southern Surgical Arts’ Dr. Justin Gusching, DO, one of five volunteer surgeons on a recent medical mission trip with HELPS International.

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