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The Surgical Artist's Blog

Happy Patient Testimony

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 22, 2010 9:33:00 AM
I met with a patient on Monday who said she is so happy with Dr. Nease and me (Amy) for taking the time to listen to her and her skincare issues. She said that she has been to several dermatologists in the Chattanooga area and no one has been able to help her. She also expressed that the improvements she has seen in her skin and the SSA staff has just changed her whole life. It was very touching just listening to her feedback, and I'm so glad to be a part of the best Cosmetic Surgery practice in the area. We are making a difference, and it was a great day at the office! ~ Amy
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New 12-Month No Interest for the Cosmetic Surgery You've Been Wanting!

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 17, 2010 9:33:00 AM
We are excited to announce that we've partnered with CareCredit to offer you a 12 Month No Interest plan to kick off the Fall Season. This is the absolute Best Time to get the Cosmetic Surgery you've been wanting from the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in the North Georgia and Chattanooga area. Have you seen Dr. Nease's before and after gallery? 12 Months No Interest? This is the best time to call us! Call us to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Nease and learn how he can use the latest technology with SmartLipo, laser rejuvenation, skin resurfacing, fat transfer, cosmetic surgery skill, and now 12 months No-Interest. Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals. The 12-Months No Interest plan ends October 31st, so call and schedule your consultation quickly! ~ Pam
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Take Time for Yourself!

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 14, 2010 9:34:00 AM
Now that the kids are back in school and routines are in place, it’s time to do something for yourself. Let Southern Surgical Arts pamper you in a tranquil relaxing environment. After we analyze your skin, we can add a medical treatment to correct some of the summer time damage by performing a micro or chemical peel. Also, we can discuss prescription skincare like Obagi or Skinceutical products to help prevent future damage.

Call the office today and let Angie or Alex set up an appointment for you ~ Amy Cheek, LPA
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New Permanent Lip Augmentation at Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 5, 2010 9:35:00 AM
Lip ImpantsWe recently had a patient who was interested in having fuller, more noticeable lips. She has had fillers, such as Juvederm, in the past. She liked her results with the filler, but it only lasted about a year. She wanted something permanent, something she wouldn't have to come back and have redone down the road. She asked if we had something to accomplish her goal. And guess what......we did.

Dr. Nease recommended lip augmentation with a new, state-of-the-art silicone lip implant. It is a straightforward procedure and can be done using local and light sedation. The implant is made of high grade silicone and is designed to last. Once placed, that's it. No more yearly trips to have your lips reinjected.

The patient had the implant placed. At her one week followup visit she was thrilled with her new look. She still had some minimal swelling, but the overall look was subtle but very nice. ~ Dr. Gardner
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New Treatment for Hyperpigmentation: Pigment Balancing Masque

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Mar 21, 2010 9:41:00 AM
Have you looked in the mirror lately and wondered what those brown spots or splotchy areas are? These areas are hyperpigmentation. Sun exposure, acne scars, pregnancy or the natural aging process, are some of the causes of this condition. The Pigment Balancing Masque, by SkinCeuticals, is a customizable brightening treatment targeting these damaged areas. By treating these areas with the Pigment Balancing Masque, one can dramatically improve the uneven appearance of photodamaged skin.

The Pigment Balancing Masque combines high-performance brightening, anti-inflammatory agents, and a powerful exfoliant to accelerate cell renewal and diminish hyperpigmentation. The series normally consists of 4-6 treatments.  Come by and see me in the Calhoun, GA office, or visit our Dalton, GA location to learn more about our complete line of skin care products & services, as well as our cosmetic surgery options.  Treatments cost $125 ~ Amy C.
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New Product: SkinCeuticals Pigment Regulator

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Mar 10, 2010 9:42:00 AM
I am excited to share with you another patent pending formulation from SkinCeuticals.  Hyperpigmentation is the #1 skincare concern globally, affecting people of all skin types, ethnicities and age groups, and skin brightening is the fastest growing category of take-home skincare in the United States.

To be successful hyperpigmentation products must:

1. Reduce the production of excess melanin
2. Reduce the transfer of melanin to the top of the epidermis
3. Break-up and remove the existing melanin clusters on the skin's surface

Prior to the introduction of Pigment Regulator, by SkinCeuticals, no topical product has been able to address all three steps of hyperpigmentation safely and effectively.  Visit Southern Surgical Arts at one of our locations in Calhoun or Dalton, Georgia to learn more regarding this treatment .  Let the leader in the field of skin care therapy, Southern Surgical Arts, help you to look and feel your best. Tammy and I are here to get your skin beautiful for Spring and Summer. Call us! ~ Amy C.
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New Artistic Laser Face Lift Study

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 14, 2009 9:45:00 AM
At Southern Surgical Arts, I am currently conducting a study using two new lasers for facial rejuvenation, and I call this the "Artistic Laser Lift." The idea is to use two lasers in combination, one called the Affirm fractionated CO2 laser for skin resurfacing, and the other is the Smartlipo 1064 laser for skin tightening and fat removal from the neck and jowls. This is a one hour outpatient procedure, done with local anesthesia and light sedation, and I expect that the benefits will include skin tightening, a naturally lifted look, smooth skin with improved overall tone and texture, and the removal of surface sun damage and softening of wrinkles. The main point to make is that there are no scars at all, no stitches, and down time is expected to be 5-7 days at the most. I have been using the two lasers independently for about 6 months and have gotten very good results. But I believe that the combination could be even more remarkable!

For those interested, I am including both men and women, ages 40-55, non-smokers, generally good health and you cannot have had a face lift in the past. The first 25 who qualify will be included in the study. The cost of the procedure will be cut by 50% of the normal fee for study participants. Also, there are several other facial cosmetic surgeons from around the country who are participating in the study, so we hope to have about 100 total participants. I am traveling to San Diego next weekend to discuss the study with several surgeons from California. Give my office a call if you are interested and think you may qualify. Thanks and have a great day!
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