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The Surgical Artist's Blog

Skinny Jeans are in, Muffin Tops are out

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 9, 2012 12:50:00 PM

The winds of change are blowing and soon fall will be upon us! As the temperature drops, many women are looking to drop a few pounds to fit back into last year's jeans. For those seeking to vanquish the “muffin top” that occurs when squeezing into tight pants, a cosmetic procedure like SmartLipo (Laser Liposuction) may be the solution. After all, there is no better time liposuction than the fall as post-treatment garments can be hidden under cool weather wardrobes.

For decades, liposuction has been done to remove pockets of excess fat in the abdomen, flanks, back, knees, thighs, neck and upper arms. SmartLipo is an advanced and effective liposuction technique using a dermal heating technique that tightens the skin beyond what is expected with standard liposuction. FDA approved in 2006, Southern Surgical Arts was the first cosmetic surgery practice in all of North Georgia and Chattanooga to offer SmartLipo body sculpting.

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Laser Technology to Rejuvenate Skin in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 4, 2012 11:49:00 AM
Laser technology has been all over the news. Laser resurfacing is one that gets lots of attention for its ability to help build healthy new tissue taking years of sun damage off of the skin and giving a youthful, vibrant glow. It can erase sun spots, fine wrinkles, improve texture, and actually tighten the skin immediately after the treatment.

At Southern Surgical Arts, we offer two fractionated lasers - the  CO2 laser and the Profractional Erbium laser. Its laser energy bores tiny holes into the skin. Each laser has its own benefits that make it more appropriate for patients but works similarly.

In general, the CO2 laser is the gold standard of resurfacing lasers for skin tightening and wrinkle reduction; whereas the Erbium laser has strengths for reducing sun spots (both brown and red) thus evening the skin tone and will improve the skin texture. Further, the Erbium laser allows us to treat some darker skin types with minimal risks. Both lasers help provide that healthy glow that most patients desire.

Southern Surgical Arts is committed to providing our patients with the best possible results and there are times when one of the lasers is more beneficial for the patient. In most cases, our surgeons will allow the patient to choose the laser; but there are other times where the surgeon makes a particular recommendation. "It is important we purchase almost every genre of laser technology so that our patients know that we are recommending the precise best laser for their skin type and goals," says Dr. Chad Deal.

The recovery time usually involves one week of being swollen, red and "scabby." Most patients are wearing makeup within 6-10 days and happy to show the world their new rejuvenated skin by then. The cost of laser resurfacing begins at $1899. A patient can also choose light sedation during the procedure in order to minimize discomfort.

Because there are possible complications with laser resurfacing. This includes redness, swelling and peeling and it does carry a small risk of infection so patients are prescribed anti-viral pills. "Choosing a surgeon who has experience performing laser resurfacing procedures will also help minimize risk," said Dr. Carey Nease. At Southern Surgical Arts, our surgeons have performed thousands of these procedures over the past four years.

A consultation with one of our board-certified cosmetic surgeons will be necessary to determine which laser is best for you. You can reach us at one of our convenient locations:

Chattanooga, One North Shore: 423-266-3331
Calhoun: 706-629-8622
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Botox Helps Migraines in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Oct 2, 2012 4:00:00 PM
Botox, until quite recently, was primarily known for its wrinkle smoothening and beauty enhancement benefits. However, it offers more advantages than you’d normally believe. Research studies have suggested that Botox injections can effectively treat health issues like chronic migraines.  This means there is help with your chronic migraines if you live anywhere close to Chattanooga, Tennessee or Calhoun, Georgia!


What is Botox?

Botox is one of the many names given to a Neuro-toxic protein named ‘botulinum toxin A’ which is attributed to the bacterium- Clostridium botulinum. It is an effective injectable procedure that can treat even the severest of your brow furrow, the "elevens" between your eyes and crows feet (frown lines). Popular names and similiar competitors of Botox include BTXA, Neurobloc, Dysport and Xeomin, among others.

How does it work?

Botox injections impede nerve reactions catalyzing muscle contractions which in turn lead to wrinkles. Besides the glabellar "frown lines", patients can also have Botox administered on their forehead as well as their crow’s feet. One of Botox’s advantages is that it is directly administered to the muscles and does not require anaesthesia.

Numerous clinical studies have proven that women who get injected with Botox are far less likely to develop wrinkles as compared to those who don’t because each injection practically trains the muscles to soften and relax. Once administered, the effects usually last for as long as four months and up to six months.

Patients report the benefits are that they look refreshed, less tired and several years younger.

Medical use and its impact on Migraines

Apart from cosmetic usage, Botox has also been widely used to treat serious medical disorders such as neuropathy, achalasia, depression, overactive bladders, spasticity, and migraines. If you’ve ever suffered from migraines in the past, you’d agree that it can be a severely debilitating condition that virtually paralyzes your everyday life. According to a recent research report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, migraines affect the American workforce by causing a loss of productivity worth $16 billion every year. And, although close to 43% of adults experience migraine-like symptoms at some stage in life, most of them refrain from seeking medical counsel.

How does Botox treat Migraine?

Contrary to popular opinion, Botox does not treat migraines by inducing muscle-relaxing properties. Botulinum toxin is known to trigger the release of peripheral nociceptive neurotransmitters, which have a therapeutic impact on your pain processing mechanism, thereby curtailing the occurrence of migraines.  This is how Botox has also known to be beneficial in lower back pain and cervical dystonia.

Need for expertise

Before commencing, you may want to ensure that the medical professionals administering your treatment are thoroughly trained in administering Botox. This is because migraine treatment requires specialized, focused attention that goes beyond conventional methodologies.  At Southern Surgical Arts in Chattanooga and Calhoun, you are assured about getting nothing less the expertise of Botox injections from our board-certified cosmetic surgeons who have several years of experience. Dr. Chad Deal and Dr. Carey Nease are experts in the field of facial plastic surgery, having completed more than 3,600 facial cosmetic surgeries over the past ten years. They are known for tailoring a customized treatment plan for each patient's needs and goals using the latest technology and skills.

If you would like more information about Botox injections for migraines or facial wrinkles, please call to make a complimentary consultation at 423-266-3331 or 706-629-8622.  Also, visit www.southernsurgicalarts.com for before and after photos, videos and testimonials of actual patients.
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Meet Rabecca, the "Face" of Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 25, 2012 3:05:00 PM

Have you ever wondered who's face that is on Southern Surgical Arts' billboards, brochures, Facebook, and most all other marketing materials? Let me introduce you to Rabecca Lee. She recently just competed in Miss Georgia Girl and we are so proud of her winning the title of Mrs. Georgia Girl.

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Named Best of the Best Cosmetic Surgeons in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 19, 2012 3:03:00 PM
Over 18,000 ballots were cast in the Times Free Press Best of the Best awards, Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal were named as Best Cosmetic Surgeons in Chattanooga. Dr. Nease took top honors and Dr. Deal was named a finalist.

This is the 4th year in a row that Southern Surgical Arts has been named Best of the Best in Chattanooga. Thank you for your continued trust in Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal. We appreciate all you do to share your experiences with the community including your Google reviews, everyday conversations and placing your vote this year in Chattanooga's Best of the Best awards.

Southern Surgical Arts and our surgeons' deliver surgical expertise that is combined with artistic ability in a personal, caring environment that you'll notice from the moment you walk into our office.

We invite you to receive a complimentary consultation with one of our Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeons.
Chattanooga, One North Shore: 423-266-3331
Calhoun: 706-629-8622
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Breast Augmentation Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 12, 2012 9:49:00 AM

When considering if breast augmentation surgery is right for you, it’s important you feel completely comfortable and confident before undergoing the knife. You will need to thoroughly research the procedure before choosing to proceed. In doing so, you are sure to come across an abundance of information; some true, some not. Here are guidelines on finding credible information as well as a breakdown of what’s true and what’s a myth.

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Jessner Peel - A Go-To Chemical Peel at Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 4, 2012 5:55:00 PM
The Jessner Peel is a chemical peel designed to exfoliate the top layers of the epidermis and stimulate collagen and elastin production deeper in the dermis.  When treating skin conditions like clogged pores, sun damage, acne and hyperpigmentation, the Jessner Peel is one of our best performing procedures.  The  Jessner Peel is an unbuffered combination of 14% lactic acid, 14% salicylic acid, and 14% resorcinol in a hydro-alcohol base.  It is considered a 7-day peel procedure because from the day the solution is applied to the end of peeling is usually about 7 days.

Southern Surgical Arts' Aesthestican Felicia Velarde located in Calhoun, Georgia said, "This is my favorite Chemical Peel because I'm seeing significant results for my patients with little downtime and maximum results!"  The benefits of the Jessner Peel include:

    • Skin rejuvenation and textural improvements.

    • Reduces acne scarring and psuedofolliculitus (ingrown hairs) progressively.

    • Reduces acneic conditions, particularly with impacted pores (blackheads).

    • Reduces hyperpigmentation.

    • Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

    • Improves overall complexion and restores a “youthful glow” to sluggish, ruddy/rough or devitalized skin.

    • An EXCELLENT prep 6-8 weeks prior to more invasive procedures like laser resurfacing.

The method and number of applications (or coats) applied will typically determine the depth of the peel and overall aesthetic results. The Jessner Peel can be repeated for an acne "tune-up" every 2 weeks, and 6-8 weeks for  skin care maintenance. The Jessner Peel is not recommended for individuals with eczema, sunburn, active herpes simplex, rosacea, asthma, pregnancy, lupus or recent use of Accutane.

Southern Surgical Arts offers a variety of peels that meet your needs. Our aestheticians recommend the Jessner Peel to our patients in North Georgia and Chattanooga for noticeable results for beautiful skin.

For your complimentary skincare consultation or to schedule your appointment for a Jessner Peel, call our Calhoun office at 706-629-8622 or Chattanooga office at 423-266-3331.
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Using Laser Technology for Facial Lifts and Overall Rejuvenation

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Aug 28, 2012 5:56:00 PM
The board-certified cosmetic surgeons at Southern Surgical Arts pursue the latest laser technology to minimize recovery time, scarring and produce optimal results at their practice in Chattanooga. Face lift and facial rejuvenation techniques with the artistic cosmetic surgery skill and produce more natural and youthful results. With over ten years and 3,600 significant facial cosmetic surgical procedures, Dr. Vincent Gardner,  Dr. Chad Deal, Dr. Micheal Kluska and Dr. Justin Gusching offer not only extensive experience; they've stayed on the cutting edge by employing the latest techniques and technology.
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Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon with an Artist's Touch

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Aug 8, 2012 5:57:00 PM
Cosmetic surgery is more than just a science and a steady hand; every patient is different, and the surgeon must have an artistic eye to work with a person's existing features to create a natural looking result. At Southern Surgical Arts in Chattanooga, their board-certified cosmetic surgeons bring a natural artistry to their craft to ultimately achieve results that look like the person they're operating on. As Dr. Carey Nease explains it, clients tell them that "I still want to look like me -- just younger."
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Natural and Youthful Results from Cosmetic Surgery in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Aug 1, 2012 5:57:00 PM
The discipline of cosmetic surgery is exclusively devoted to maintaining, restoring, or enhancing a person's normal appearance. With these goals in mind, it's crucial that your cosmetic surgeons are capable of assessing your body's aesthetics and characteristics in order to produce the most natural-looking results possible. At Southern Surgical Arts in Chattanooga, breast augmentation and lifts and other cosmetic breast surgeries are done with artistry and technique to create a fuller, natural and youthful appearing breast.
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