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The Surgical Artist's Blog

Injectables and Cosmetic Surgery: Better Together?

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 22, 2015 12:30:00 PM
Q: Is it true that adding Botox or fillers to my facial rejuvenation procedure will improve my results?
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Facial and Dental Rejuvenation: Something to Smile About

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 8, 2015 11:45:00 AM
Want to look years younger without surgery, boost your self-confidence, and make a great first impression all at the same time? Facial rejuvenation is one sure-fire way to make a big impact without committing to invasive surgery. From treating crows-feet to lip lines, there are many ways your cosmetic surgeon can improve your appearance and subtract years. Some patients decide to take their “new look” a step further, by adding a new smile.
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3 Secrets to a Flat Belly after Baby

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 1, 2015 1:00:00 PM

One of the most universal experiences of pregnancy is the challenge of regaining your pre-baby body. Many women give birth to find that their body does not “bounce back” like they hoped, even months or years after they last gave birth. Even if you did not gain excess weight with your pregnancy, the stretching of skin and muscle that occurs can result in permanent changes to your figure, especially in your abdomen. Below, we list three ways you can regain your pre-baby belly.

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Considering Cosmetic Surgery? Get the Photos

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on May 25, 2015 2:00:57 PM

When it comes to having your face or body surgically enhanced it’s important to remember that all cosmetic surgeons are not created equal.

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Amazing Non-Invasive Procedures to Try Right Now

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on May 11, 2015 1:30:00 PM
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3 Essentials of an Attractive Mommy Makeover

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on May 4, 2015 3:33:00 PM

Many cosmetic surgeons offer a “Mommy Makeover,” a combination of procedures that can restore a mother’s body to pre-pregnancy (or better!) shape. But it takes true artistry to achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results, as well as to keep the scars as unobtrusive as possible.

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Tummy Tucks: Separating Fact from Fiction

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Apr 20, 2015 4:26:00 PM

The tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures we perform at Southern Surgical Arts, but it is also the one that seems to generate the most misinformation and misconceptions. To help alleviate some of the confusion surrounding the tummy tuck, we tackle some of the most common questions we hear, below.

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Q & A: Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Apr 13, 2015 11:30:00 AM
Q. I have wanted to enhance my barely B-cup breasts for a long time. I finally made up my mind to have surgery, but now I don’t know whether to have silicone or saline implants. Which one is better?

A. You can achieve beautiful, natural-looking breasts with both types of implants but there are certain factors to consider when making your decision. Some important facts about your options are listed below.

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Cosmetic Procedures & Payment Options: A Quick Guide

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Apr 6, 2015 1:00:00 PM

In consultations our patients sometimes tell us that they would have had their desired procedure a long time ago, if only… Most times, the “if only” they are referring to is a financial obstacle.

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Introducing VASERlipo at Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Mar 30, 2015 11:30:00 AM

At Southern Surgical Arts, we love to bring the latest and greatest technology to our patients. Implementing cutting-edge technology allows us to provide our patients with the safest experience possible, as well as optimal results.

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