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New Help for Thinning Hair – NeoGraft

New Help for Thinning Hair – NeoGraft

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jan 30, 2017 1:30:00 PM

If you are one of the approximately 50 million men or 30 million women who suffer from pattern baldness or hair thinning, you know how distressing it can be to watch a previously-thick head of hair be diminished over time.

neograft-before-after.pngHair loss can be especially upsetting when topical treatments or medications do not help. Many struggle to style their hair so the thinning patches don’t show, wear hairpieces, or give up and shave their head completely. Whatever the cause, hair loss can be an emotional issue.

Until recently, there weren’t many good options to restore hair to its youthful fullness. Old-fashioned strip-style hair transplants or plugs were too easily detected, and often left visible scarring and discomfort. Possibly the only thing worse than losing your hair is sporting an obvious hair transplant! The good news is, those days are over! If you’re experiencing thinning hair, we can help.

Introducing NeoGraft

Southern Surgical Arts is excited to announce the addition of NeoGraft to our list of treatment options. This revolutionary technology allows a qualified professional to utilize the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method to remove hairs individually from the sides of your head or the nape of your neck where hair is thicker. Additionally, hair that grows in these locations are not usually affected by pattern baldness, so once they are transplanted, they should remain in their new locations. These hairs are then grafted to the thin places on your scalp, typically at the hairline or crown where hair thinning is common.

Things to Know About NeoGraft

  • This cutting-edge treatment is minimally-invasive. There is no downtime and very little to no discomfort.
  • You may be a good candidate if you have sufficient hair in the transplant areas, namely the sides and nape areas.
  • Results will be seamless and natural. No one will know unless you tell them.
  • No matter how talented your NeoGraft professional is, they cannot give you back the hair you had in your 20s. However, they can give you a thicker, fuller head of hair that looks natural and healthy.

If you’d like to learn more about the new art of hair restoration, please call Southern Surgical Arts at 423-266-3331 for a complimentary NeoGraft consultation. Since the goal with any kind of hair restoration procedure is to have natural-looking as well as beautiful results, it’s important that you choose your provider wisely. You want someone with the technique, training, and artistic sensibility to give you the results you desire. Southern Surgical Arts will be happy to answer all of your questions about this game-changing new procedure.

Reverse Hair Thinning and  Baldness with NeoGraft

Topics: hair restoration

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