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Congratulations, Dr. Carey Nease—President-Elect of American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Congratulations, Dr. Carey Nease—President-Elect of American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jan 16, 2017 11:26:00 AM

ABFCS Logo.jpgToday we are pleased to announce some exciting news regarding SSA’s very own Dr. Carey Nease! Last month, Dr. Nease was elected to the office of President-Elect of the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery. He was nominated and elected by the current board of trustees. His term, which begins this month and ends in December, will then segue into a term of President of the Board for the year 2018.

During his term as President-Elect, Dr. Nease will be working closely with the current president in preparation for taking over those duties next January. They will develop the annual budget, as well as marketing and public relations plan for the Board. One of the most important project they will undertake this year is the annual certifying exam that will take place in October in Dallas, Texas. As chairman of the oral exam committee, Dr. Nease will oversee the entire exam process in conjunction with the Board’s executive director. In addition to these responsibilities, Dr. Nease will also help to run the monthly meetings and fill in for the President during any absences.

“It was such an honor to be recognized by my peers from across the country in this manner. I’ve been a diplomat of the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery for 3 years, so this is clearly an honor for me. I look forward to working with the current President to lead our organization toward our goals for the year,” Dr. Nease said.

Dr. Nease is an award-winning cosmetic and facial plastic surgeon who is considered an expert in the field of facial cosmetic surgery. He has performed of thousands cosmetic surgical procedures over the course of his career 13-year career and frequently lectures around the country. For more information about the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, please visit their website at www.ambrdfcs.org.

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