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Botox on the Rise in U.S. and in Chattanooga

Botox on the Rise in U.S. and in Chattanooga

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on May 29, 2013 11:54:00 AM

Liquid Facelift Botox RestylaneThe rise in minimally invasive cosmetic treatments are up to 13.1 millions treatments in 2012. It is important to understand what these treatments are, how they are carried out, and who provides the best care and service in delivering the product and desired result. For example, Botox, is a trade name for a botulinum toxin, a neurotoxic protein. Its most famous use is in cosmetic procedures for smoothing out lines on the forehead, crows feet on the side of the eyes, or for severe frown lines. Botox is administered via an injection into the desired area, and it only takes a matter of minutes to perform the procedure. Botox works by relaxing the muscles within these areas and blocks nerve impulses. It takes roughly four days before you notice cosmetic improvement, however, the effects can last up to six months.

Additionally, Botox has other beneficial non-cosmetic medical uses. It can be used to treat writer’s cramp, excessive sweating, chronic pain, and migraine headaches to name a few. Botox has more benefits than side effects, so rest assured it is safe. But, this does echo the importance to have this or any other cosmetic procedure performed by a highly qualified, board-certified medical professional.  Be sure to research your provider's qualifications before you choose remembering that as with anything, big discounts can sometimes mean poor quality.

Whether it is Botox, or any other treatment option such as fillers, mircodermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser hair removal, minimally invasive cosmetic treatments safely offer appealing results in a minimal amount of time. Furthermore, these options are great for the wallet if you are beautifying on a budget, or seeking a little kick rather than other facial plastic surgery procedures. 

Please keep in mind no matter what cosmetic procedure you decide is right for you, always seek consultations and services from quality board certified surgical professionals. Click here to find out how to find a qualified board-certified surgeon.

In June and July, you can have a few minimally invasive treatments, including our Liquid Facelift starting at $999. The special includes 1 cc syringe of Restylane and 40 units of Botox.


About Southern Surgical Arts
The Board-Certified Surgeons of Southern Surgical Arts are 100% devoted exclusively to cosmetic surgery. Southern Surgical Arts is committed to delivering quality care, and utilizes state-of-the-art technology while adhering to the highest standards and safest practices in cosmetic surgical procedures. Southern Surgical Arts specialize in cosmetic procedures that produce minimal scaring and downtime. The talented team of Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal use a culmination of their over 10 years experience and expertise to deliver results in cosmetic and facial plastic surgery that meet your goals. For more information on minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, or you are seeking a consultation for a substantial body makeover, please visit www.southersurgicalarts.com. You’ll be delighted you did!


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Topics: medspa, face, board certified cosmetic surgeon

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