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After Gastric Bypass: How A Body Lift Can Help You

After Gastric Bypass: How A Body Lift Can Help You

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 21, 2012 2:00:00 PM

Gastric bypass surgery is setting more and more people free from the burden of obesity, giving them better health and a new lease on life. The dramatic weight loss associated with this type of surgery however brings its own challenges. Many patients feel self-conscious or unhappy with the loose and sagging areas of skin that are often left after the weight loss. Surgery for cosmetic reasons following massive weight loss is sometimes termed a "body lift." At Southern Surgical Arts (SSA), our board-certified, award-winning cosmetic surgeons are here to correct those nagging issues that weight loss can create. We know that losing weight is only the beginning for many people; we have the aesthetic passion and advanced surgical training to support you in your transformation.

Dr. Nease, Dr. Deal and our compassionate, talented team understand the achievement that your weight loss represents, and we're determined to give you the outcome that you deserve. Cosmetic surgery can be very fulfilling for those who've undergone gastric bypass surgery offering a very positive conclusion to their journey. A "body lift" especially be valuable for those who've succeeded in losing 100 pounds or more.

The tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is one of the best-known procedures that gastric bypass patients commonly receive. The purpose of abdominoplasty is to reduce the amount of loose skin around a person's abdomen giving the patient the flat tummy that they've always wanted. Further,  if the excess skin extends around the sides or back this can be treated with a lower body lift. This has the added benefit of not just removing the skin excess but also lifting the buttocks. "Our patients are overjoyed when they can feel good about their appearance again," said Dr. Nease. "It's very rewarding."

Another procedure that's sometimes performed after major weight loss is mastopexy, also known as a breast lift. This is an operation to lift breasts that have become droopy and deflated due to lost weight, pregnancy, breast feeding or age. A cosmetic breast surgeon can remove extra skin from the breast and give them a more perky look to return the woman's youthful figure. An implant is sometimes also placed for added fullness. Our surgeons have performed more than 1,200 cosmetic breast procedures, and have a large library of photos so you know that you're in good hands at SSA.

The upper arms are another area that can be affected by excess, loose skin after weight loss. Brachioplasty, otherwise known as an upper arm lift, is a procedure that can help to reduce excess skin on the arms. Our skilled and experienced surgeons can remove unsightly loose tissue while minimizing scarring, allowing the patient to enjoy wearing short sleeves once again.

A final element of body lift surgery is the thigh lift. For those who've lost a great deal of weight, the thighs can be another problem area. As well as being unsightly, loose skin around the thigh area can chafe and become very uncomfortable. A thigh lift removes this unwanted tissue and can reshape the contours of the patients body for a sleeker, trimmer look.

"People come to us because they don't just want the 'extra skin gone' but they also want youthful athletic contours and hidden scars. These are the traits of great cosmetic surgery. Our goal will always be to have preformed your surgery in a way that makes you confident in a two-piece bikini if you desire," said Dr. Deal.

Significant weight loss unfortunately can also affect the youthful and happy appearance of the face. Many people find themselves with excess skin on the lower face and neck as well as having a "tired" or "down" unintended expression. This can be extremely distressing, especially for women who may actually look older than their age following significant weight loss. Performed by a highly-skilled and specialized facial plastic surgeon, a face and neck lift can resolve issues such as sagging jowls and double chins.

For more information on how you could benefit from cosmetic procedures after gastric bypass surgery and massive weight loss, contact Southern Surgical Arts and schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our board-certified cosmetic surgeons who are 100% devoted to cosmetic and facial plastic surgery.

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Topics: breast lift, tummy tuck, body

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