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It’s Never too Early: Volume Restoration in Your 30s

It’s Never too Early: Volume Restoration in Your 30s

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Feb 9, 2015 10:14:00 AM

face_bOne of the biggest misconceptions people have about visible signs of aging is that it’s a problem for “later.” Some may assume they will just worry about it when they hit their 40s. But when it comes to facial volume loss, age truly is just a number. Loss of volume in the face can actually occur much younger than people expect due to a number of factors. If you are experiencing facial volume loss in your 30s, we can help.

What is Volume Loss?
When we talk about facial volume loss, we are referring to the atrophy of fat and decrease in collagen production that occurs as a natural side effect of aging. Fat creates the plump, full look that makes skin look fresh, smooth and youthful. Collagen provides structural framework and definition. The result of volume loss and reduced collagen production is a hollowed look that may be accompanied by sagging.

Volume loss can also be exacerbated by yo-yo dieting, hormonal fluctuations and common life stressors like divorce and job loss. Some may find that staying lean to maintain an ideal size leads to a gaunt look in the face as they age. Whatever the cause, cosmetic volume restoration is an ideal, safe, and affordable solution.

At Southern Surgical Arts, we offer a variety of cosmetic dermal facial fillers to restore volume and fullness to the face. These fillers can be “ready to use” commercial products or all-natural, utilizing fat cells harvested from your own body. Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to assess your skin tone and condition to make the best recommendation for you, but regardless of which is chosen, the result will be more beautiful, youthful-looking skin. To learn more about facial fillers vs. fat transfer, check out this blog post.

Common Volume Restoration Treatment Areas:

- Nasolabial folds. These are the lines that form between your nose and the corners of your mouth. There are a variety of dermal facial fillers used to treat these creases, including Sculptra Aesthetic, Juvederm, and Radiesse.

- Lip lines. Lip lines are one of our patients’ most common complaints, as these deep grooves can age the mouth and face dramatically. We frequently use Restylane and Juvederm to plump this area out for a more beautiful, youthful look.

- Eyes. Volume loss leads to hollowing, which can cause eyes to look sunken and make dark circles look more prominent. For treatment of the tear trough area, we usually recommend fat transfer or Restylane.

- Marionette lines. These are the lines that run straight downward from the corners of the mouth toward the jaw. Depending on the severity of your lines, we may recommend Juvederm, Sculptra Aesthetic, Radiesse or fat transfer.

One of the biggest advantages of treating volume loss at an early age is that the results will be less detectable. You will simply look refreshed and rested. This is definitely one case in which it pays to be proactive! To learn more about your volume restoration options, please call Southern Surgical Arts at 426-233-3331.

Topics: face

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