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Breast Reduction at Southern Surgical Arts

Breast Reduction at Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 27, 2015 7:32:00 PM

Macy_in_dress_500Breast augmentation surgery receives a lot of attention, but in our practice we’ve seen that breast reduction surgery can be equally transformative, with impressive, beautiful results.

Reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction, is the precise removal of excess breast tissue and skin to achieve more proportional contours. Breast reduction is a very common surgery in the U.S., with more than 41,000 cosmetic procedures performed in the year 2014 alone.

Women opt to have breast reduction surgery for many reasons. Some of the most common we have heard from our patients include:

  • To make their breasts more proportional to their frame
  • To relieve neck, back, and shoulder pain caused by bra straps
  • To achieve more symmetrical breasts when one is much larger than another
  • To be able to exercise more strenuously and participate in sports without breasts hindering movement or causing discomfort 
  • To feel more confident about their body and to have more options in clothing and bras
  • To make it easier to assess breasts for masses during exams, possibly improving cancer detection

About the Procedure

During the procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will generally need to make three incisions; one around the areola (the pigmented part of the nipple), and then two more that form an anchor shape—one vertically down to the breast crease and one that follows the breast crease horizontally.

After the incisions have been made, the excess fat and tissue are removed.

A surgeon may also reshape and reposition the areola and nipple to achieve the most aesthetic results.

In most cases, a surgeon may choose to combine the procedure with a breast lift, or he may use liposuction to remove excess fat in combination with the surgery. The precise techniques will vary depending on each patient’s unique needs and desired outcome.

It will take only a week or less to recover from breast reduction surgery due to the latest techniques to improve your experience. It is common to have swollen, tender breasts for a few days, and you will probably experience some bruising. However our attention to detail means that every aspect of your recovery is addressed. Your comfort, counseling, follow ups, and expediency back to your normal daily routine should be the tenets of a practice providing this level of care.

While some view breast reduction as more of a reconstructive procedure, here at SSA we do not. We are just as focused on the cosmetic outcome as we are improving the quality of life issues that can come from having very large breasts. Length of the scar, improved cleavage and bust (if desired), and longevity of the aesthetic results should all be considerations of a cosmetic surgeon.

The most important decision you can make when you choose to have breast reduction surgery is to choose a qualified, board-certified cosmetic surgeon with experience doing many similar procedures. Ask to see his “before and after” photos so that you can get an idea of his aesthetic abilities and skill. Choosing an experienced surgeon will help ensure you have a safe surgery and recovery, and as beautiful results—with as minimal scarring—as possible.

Am I a Candidate?

Breast reduction surgery may be a good option for you if you are:

  • Between 18 and 65
  • Non-smoker
  • In good general health
  • Interested in aesthetic enhancement of the breast

There are many considerations when contemplating surgery of any kind. If you are interested in a breast reduction surgery, our board-certified, award-winning surgeons, Dr. Carey Nease and Dr. Chad Deal, will be happy to answer all of your questions during a free personal consultation. We want you to feel completely comfortable with your decision, and the best way to achieve that is to be fully informed.

To schedule your complimentary consultation, please call Southern Surgical Arts at 423-266-3331.

Topics: breast

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