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AACS annual meeting in Phoenix

AACS annual meeting in Phoenix

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jan 12, 2009 9:46:00 AM
I'm off to the annual American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery meeting tomorrow in Phoenix, AZ. On Wednesday I will be presenting my research on external ultrasound and it's application to abdominal liposuction. I found that is it somewhat helpful overall to the outcome of the procedure but there are some minor problems with it that made me decide to switch to using the YAG laser (Smartlipo), which works great and I have not had any problems since I started using it, over 150 cases done so far, including about 40 facelifts (Smartlift). The meeting is always a good time to catch up on the latest research and newest technology that will improve what I can do for my patients. The goal is always better results with less down time and smaller scars, at least that's how I approach cosmetic surgery, and my patients seem to agree. I'll likely come back to Georgia with some new device, laser or instrument that will be a great addition to my practice. I'll post an update after the meeting, and maybe attach some photos of my family at the Grand Canyon!

Topics: in the news, face, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience

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