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AACS Annual Meeting in Orlando

AACS Annual Meeting in Orlando

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jan 26, 2010 9:43:00 AM
I'm off to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in Orlando, hoping for warmer and sunny weather! I am speaking tomorrow about laser body sculpting and some research I did a few years ago studying ultrasound assisted liposuction. The meeting is always great, with over 500 cosmetic surgeons from around the US and the world, gathering and sharing their experience with the latest advances in the aesthetic field. This means better results for our patients, and assurance that they are getting the most advanced techniques and technology available. Follow me on Twitter, carey nease md, and on Facebook at Southern Surgical Arts' page. I'll keep you up to date with the latest advances in cosmetic surgery in real time! You'll be the first to know in the North Georgia and Chattanooga area if you follow me as I send out info during the meeting! I'll post something new and exciting soon!

Topics: board certified cosmetic surgeon, liposuction

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