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Sculptra Offers Non-surgical Rejuvenation

Sculptra Offers Non-surgical Rejuvenation

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Nov 22, 2010 9:25:00 AM
We are now offering Sculptra for facial rejuvenation at Southern Surgical Arts.  Sculptra is ideal for adding volume to the face for a more youthful look and is done in a simple office visit with no downtime.  The benefit of Sculptra is that it stimulates your body to produce it's own collagen in the area treated.  This is sometimes called a liquid facelift, and Sculptra can be combined with Botox and Laser resurfacing of the skin for a dramatic improvement in your appearance.  There are no incisions, no stitches, minimal pain and less than a week recovery when these procedures are combined.  You can expect to look 5 years younger and have a very natural, youthful result.  Results of Sculptra last 2-3 years based on recent studies and some patients require more than one treatment session spaced apart by about 6 weeks.  Check out the before and after photos in our Gallery and call if you think Sculptra is right for you!  Dr. Nease

Topics: medspa, face, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience, laser resurfacing

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