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Q&A: How Do Chemical Peels Affect Rosacea?

Q&A: How Do Chemical Peels Affect Rosacea?

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jun 28, 2011 9:12:00 AM
Question: How Do Chemical Peels Affect Rosacea?

Answer: People with Rosacea typically have very sensitive skin and a chemical peel can cause the skin and vessels to react and flare up more. Thus, causing more redness and sensitivity. I would recommend treating the skin with a good at home regimen and possibly treating with an IPL/fotofacial.

Answer provided by our Aesthestician, Leigh Hudgens in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Call for your appointment at Southern Surgical Arts: 423-266-3331

Topics: skin, medspa, face, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience

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