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Q&A: What Type of Bra Should I Wear After My Breast Augmentation/Lift?

Q&A: What Type of Bra Should I Wear After My Breast Augmentation/Lift?

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Jul 26, 2011 9:06:00 AM
bra.gifQuestion: I've heard from friends that it's best to wear a sports bra 24/7 after any breast surgery, but my info pack said specifically not a sports bra. What type of bra should I be wearing after I heal?

Answer: After your procedure it is extremely important to wear your individually recommended post operative garment, bra, and/or wrap. This WILL affect the final aesthetic outcome of your breast. The single most important factor in post operative bra’s is that they are supportive! This means a bra that lifts the breast and holds it very high! This should be done for 24 hrs a day for 8 weeks (unless instructed otherwise) and then during the day for 4 more months. Bra’s that only push breast together or smash breast in like a sports bra don’t support the breast at all unless they also lift well. In essence your bra strap should be very tight to pull your breast upward. For this reason we also recommend a wide shoulder strap bra as well as a wide strap at the bottom without an underwire. Only if the implants appear not to be dropping after several weeks will we change our instructions for you. We may also recommend a wrap or strap for particular situations so please understand your instructions regarding this very well.

At Southern Surgical Arts, Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal, Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeons, perform surgery in Calhoun, Georgia at our fully-accredited AAAHC surgery center and Physicians Surgery Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a JCAHCO accredited surgery center.

Topics: breast augmentation, breast lift, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience, body, breast

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