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Dr. Deal Named One of America's Most Compassionate Doctors

Dr. Deal Named One of America's Most Compassionate Doctors

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Mar 27, 2012 6:03:00 PM
After only 15 months in the Chattanooga, North Georgia and North Alabama area, Dr. Deal, a double-board certified cosmetic surgeon, has received the award for one of America's Most Compassionate Doctors by vitals.com. The award is based on reviews written by hundreds and thousands of patients. While physicians generally receive positive feedback from their patients, only a select few receive praise about the compassion that accompanied their care. In fact, of the nation's 720,000 active physicians, less than 3% were accorded this honor by their patients in 2011.

Thank you to all the patients who continually provide positive feedback to both Dr. Deal and Dr. Nease at Southern Surgical Arts. We are truly honored each and every time.

Topics: in the news, face, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience, body, breast

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