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Jessner Peel - A Go-To Chemical Peel at Southern Surgical Arts

Jessner Peel - A Go-To Chemical Peel at Southern Surgical Arts

Posted by Southern Surgical Arts on Sep 4, 2012 5:55:00 PM
The Jessner Peel is a chemical peel designed to exfoliate the top layers of the epidermis and stimulate collagen and elastin production deeper in the dermis.  When treating skin conditions like clogged pores, sun damage, acne and hyperpigmentation, the Jessner Peel is one of our best performing procedures.  The  Jessner Peel is an unbuffered combination of 14% lactic acid, 14% salicylic acid, and 14% resorcinol in a hydro-alcohol base.  It is considered a 7-day peel procedure because from the day the solution is applied to the end of peeling is usually about 7 days.
chemical peel

Southern Surgical Arts' Aesthestican Felicia Velarde located in Calhoun, Georgia said, "This is my favorite Chemical Peel because I'm seeing significant results for my patients with little downtime and maximum results!"  The benefits of the Jessner Peel include:

    • Skin rejuvenation and textural improvements.

    • Reduces acne scarring and psuedofolliculitus (ingrown hairs) progressively.

    • Reduces acneic conditions, particularly with impacted pores (blackheads).

    • Reduces hyperpigmentation.

    • Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

    • Improves overall complexion and restores a “youthful glow” to sluggish, ruddy/rough or devitalized skin.

    • An EXCELLENT prep 6-8 weeks prior to more invasive procedures like laser resurfacing.

The method and number of applications (or coats) applied will typically determine the depth of the peel and overall aesthetic results. The Jessner Peel can be repeated for an acne "tune-up" every 2 weeks, and 6-8 weeks for  skin care maintenance. The Jessner Peel is not recommended for individuals with eczema, sunburn, active herpes simplex, rosacea, asthma, pregnancy, lupus or recent use of Accutane.

Southern Surgical Arts offers a variety of peels that meet your needs. Our aestheticians recommend the Jessner Peel to our patients in North Georgia and Chattanooga for noticeable results for beautiful skin.

For your complimentary skincare consultation or to schedule your appointment for a Jessner Peel, call our Calhoun office at 706-629-8622 or Chattanooga office at 423-266-3331.

Topics: skin, medspa, face, board certified cosmetic surgeon, patient care & experience

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